Employee Benefits Services
Our range of value-added services includes delivering you custom solutions for all of your health care management needs, including benefit plan analysis, contribution strategies, health and wellness education and training, claims analysis, and developing employee policies and consumer-driven programs.
Strategy. Service. Execution.
Saving money on employee benefits while still attracting and retaining the best and the brightest is a must in today’s economy. Because both benefit costs and employee expectations are rising, many employers struggle to balance employee needs with their own capabilities and bottom lines.
Helping you meet these divergent objectives is Risk Strategy Solutions’ specialty. We provide a variety of value-added professional services to our clients that reduce customer costs, increase efficiency and improve employee satisfaction.
➤ Plan Strategy
➤ Compliance Resources
➤ Enrollment Tools
➤ Workplace Wellness
➤ Controlling Your Pharmacy Costs
➤ Education & Training
➤ Employee Satisfaction
➤ Plan Design Resources
➤ Human Resources Education, Tools and Forms
➤ Employee Benefit Communications
➤ Managing Health Care Costs
➤ Data Analysis
➤ Health Care Reform
➤ Retirement Plan Support
We also extend many of our value-added services to you electronically through your personal Risk Strategy Solutions website.
Here is just a sampling of the information that we can deliver to you via the site:

Handbook & Policies
Employee Handbook

Know Your Benefits.
Is Your Drug Plan Hard to Swallow?

Workplace Wellness
Wellness Initiatives to Promote Nutrition